European Economic Integration A Challenge in a Changing World

European Economic Integration A Challenge in a Changing World
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  • ISBN-13: 9780444891747
  • ISBN: 0444891749
  • Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Dewatripont, Mathias, Ginsburgh, V. A.


The effects and challenges of European integration are analyzed in this book, using a wide variety of research methods. Topics covered include macroeconometric and applied general equilibrium modelling, international trade and applied econometric analysis. Various contributions focus on Europe itself and are concerned with macroeconomic management, price convergence, industrial restructuring and the environment. Extra developments in the European Community are also discussed, in relation with European integration, including world trade, regional integration and the East-European transition to a West-European style market economy. The book is dedicated to the long and prolific career of Jean Waelbroeck. It will be of great interest to both academic researchers and policymakers.Dewatripont, Mathias is the author of 'European Economic Integration A Challenge in a Changing World' with ISBN 9780444891747 and ISBN 0444891749.

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