Norman Miller Reviews and Ratings

Norman Miller

Seller rating: (1) 67% *
Seller since August 2012
Seller Info
  • Ships From
  • Corozal, PR
  • Shipping Method
  • Standard
Seller Statistics
Positive Feedback (all-time) Order Confirmation Rate
67% 83%

Norman Miller Ratings & Buyer Feedback

Buyer Name
Buyer's School
Rosalice P
marina a

Fast shipping, thank you.

Kat P

Seller promised item would ship 12/17. When I asked if my item had shipped, he didn't contact me just cancelled the sale. A) didn't ship when promised B) cancelled sale with no explanation. Don't get burned like I did.

*This is the seller's all-time positive feedback score, calculated by the number of positive ratings / (positives + negatives)