Abebooks Reviews and Ratings


Seller rating: (-2) 0% *
Seller since April 2013
Seller Info
  • Ships From
  • Sanjose, CA
  • Shipping Method
  • Standard
Seller Statistics
Positive Feedback (all-time) Order Confirmation Rate
0% 71%

Abebooks Ratings & Buyer Feedback

Buyer Name
Buyer's School
Calen S

It has been well over a month since I placed this order and I have never received it. I will never purchase from this site again or Abe books. I'm still waiting on my refund....

tonjia d

It is May 30th and I have not received this book. Valore says I need to take the matter up with Abebooks and Abebooks says they have no record of this order. My Mastercard states otherwise.:-(

*This is the seller's all-time positive feedback score, calculated by the number of positive ratings / (positives + negatives)