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Results 51 - 100 of 164 for Middle Eastern Textbooks
Arabian Nights Encyclopedia by Marzolph, Ulrich, Van Leeuw... ISBN: 9781576072042 List Price: $185.00
Essays in Arabic Literary Biography II: 1350-1850 by Lowry, Joseph E., Stewart, ... ISBN: 9783447059336 List Price: $117.00
War's Other Voices Women Writers on the Lebanese Civil War by Cooke, Miriam ISBN: 9780815603771 List Price: $19.95
Motiv des Spiegels in der Arabischen Literatur des Mittelalters by Ullmann, Manfred, Degen, Ra... ISBN: 9783525824863
Essays in Arabic Literary Biography 1850-1950 by Allen, Roger ISBN: 9783447061414 List Price: $102.00
Poetic Quran : Studies on Quranic Poeticity by Hoffmann, Thomas ISBN: 9783447055154
Short History of Modern Arabic Literature by Badawi, M. M. ISBN: 9780198265429 List Price: $150.00
Tales of Crossed Destinies: The Modern Turkish Novel in a Comparative Context by Seyhan, Azade ISBN: 9781603290302 List Price: $40.00
The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi, Vol 5, Persian Text (English and Persian Edition) by Nicholson, Reynold A., Rumi... ISBN: 9780718902056 List Price: $87.50
Plato in the Third Sophistic by Fowler, Ryan C. ISBN: 9781614510321
Ibn Abi Tahir Tayfur And Arabic Writerly Culture A Ninth Century Bookman In Baghdad by Toorawa, Shawkat M. ISBN: 9780415297622 List Price: $125.00
Das Ghasel Des Islamischen Orients in Der Deutschen Dichtung by Unlu, Hulya ISBN: 9780820414782 List Price: $49.95
Arguing It Out : Discussion in Twelfth-Century Byzantium by Cameron, Averil ISBN: 9789633861110
Reading the Qur'an by Sardar, Ziauddin ISBN: 9781849043670
Orhan Pamuk and the Politics of Turkish Identity by G�knar, Erdag ISBN: 9780415505376
A Literary History of Persia: Volume 4, Modern Times (1500-1924) (v. 4) by Browne, E. G. ISBN: 9780521043472 List Price: $94.95
Placing the Poet Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab and Postcolonial Iraq by DeYoung, Terri ISBN: 9780791437322 List Price: $29.95
Imagining the Kibbutz by OMER-SHERMAN ISBN: 9780271065588 List Price: $39.95
The Unreadable Shores of Love: Turkish Modernity and Mystic Romance by Holbrook, Victoria R. ISBN: 9780292730809 List Price: $37.50
Narratives of the Life of Muhammad : Redefining Sira Literature by Miskinzoda, Gurdofarid ISBN: 9780415603416
Islamic Customs and Culture by Porterfield, Jason ISBN: 9781608546237 List Price: $58.50
Handbuch der Islam-Literatur by Pfannmueller, Gustav ISBN: 9783110024883 List Price: $173.10
Birkat Shalom : Studies in the Bible, Ancient near Eastern Literature, and Post-Biblical Jud... by Cohen, Chaim, Paul, Shalom M. ISBN: 9781575061559 List Price: $99.50
Die Geburt des Propheten Muhammad: Drei Dichtungen aus Mittelasien (Iran-Turan) (German Edit... by Kleinmichel, Sigrid ISBN: 9783895006760 List Price: $168.00
Birkat Shalom: Studies in the Bible, Ancient Near Eastern Literature, and Post-Biblical Juda... by Cohen, Chaim, Paul, Shalom M. ISBN: 9781575061450 List Price: $99.50
Birkat Shalom: Studies in the Bible, Ancient Near Eastern Literature, and Postbiblical Judai... by Cohen, Chaim, Paul, Shalom M. ISBN: 9781575061542 List Price: $99.50
Le Repertoire Narratif Arabe Medieval: Transmission et Ouverture. Actes du Colloque Internat... by Bauden, Frédéric, Chraibi, ... ISBN: 9782870192955 List Price: $67.00
Imitatio - Aemulatio - Variatio: Akten des internationalen wissenschaftlichen Symposions zur... by Rhoby, Andreas, Schiffer, E... ISBN: 9783700168256 List Price: $120.00
Iranian Languages and Texts from Iran and Turan (Iranica,) by Emmerick, R. E., Macuch, Ma... ISBN: 9783447056700 List Price: $147.00
Literary History of Persia by Browne, Edward G. ISBN: 9780521043458 List Price: $105.00
Theology and Tafsir in the Major Works of Al-Razi by Ceylan, Yasin ISBN: 9780934905831 List Price: $33.00
Fiction of Sadeq Hedayat by Bashiri, Iraj ISBN: 9780939214228 List Price: $17.95
Themes in Medieval Arabic Literature by Von Grunebaum, Gustave E., ... ISBN: 9780860780793
Jewish Contributions to Nineteenth-century Arabic Theatre Plays from Algeria and Syria - a S... by Moreh, Shmuel, Sadgrove, Ph... ISBN: 9780199222742 List Price: $99.00
Short History of Classical Arabic Literature by Goldziher, Ignaz, DeSomogyi... ISBN: 9780318715124
Arabische Briefe by Diem, Werner, Staatliche Mu... ISBN: 9783447037716
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