Spidle's Antiques Reviews and Ratings

Spidle's Antiques

Seller rating: (1) 100% *
Seller since August 2012
Seller Info
  • Ships From
  • Mechanicsburg, PA
  • Shipping Method
  • Standard
Seller Statistics
Positive Feedback (all-time) Order Confirmation Rate
100% 100%

Spidle's Antiques Ratings & Buyer Feedback

Buyer Name
Buyer's School
gavin m

It was in very good condition and a good price compared to the other ones I saw

Steven D

I knew it was used. I didn't know that is was written in by previous owners. I would not have payed nealy as much knowing that. But it turns out that the person I gave the book to is ok with that.

*This is the seller's all-time positive feedback score, calculated by the number of positive ratings / (positives + negatives)