Big Papa Books Reviews and Ratings

Big Papa Books

Seller rating: (19) 69% *
Seller since May 2013
Seller Info
  • Ships From
  • Davis, CA
  • Shipping Method
  • Standard, Expedited
Seller Statistics
Positive Feedback (all-time) Order Confirmation Rate
69% 87%

Big Papa Books Ratings & Buyer Feedback

Buyer Name
Buyer's School
Christina B

As a freshman in college I wasn't very sure where I wanted to buy my books. All I knew is that I wanted to get them used and now I am so happy I picked valorebooks! This books works perfect! Thank U

Brandon M

Now I do not live too far from where this book was shipped, but it came before it was scheduled to arrive and was in perfect condition.

Evelyn S

I never got a call from the buyer! I had to return the book because it took so long and I had to buy another one. I had even payed more to get it earlier. I need to speak to someone about the book.

Wael A

They were useful and priceless

Devonta G

*This is the seller's all-time positive feedback score, calculated by the number of positive ratings / (positives + negatives)